Omnibox AIPRM

Crie um novo ChatGPT Prompt com alguns cliques diretamente da barra do navegador, com o recurso AIPRM Omnibox.
  • Use AIPRM from your browser bar.
  • Type in your prompt starter like an address.
  • Start a prompt like you open a website.
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O que Nossos Clientes Dizem

The best chrome extension

"The best chatgpt chrome extension so far!”

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Abdelhak Faris
State engineer in network and telecommunications systems at HPS

It has helped me a lot

"It has helped me a lot, thank you very much for the tool”

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Cristian Montoya
Principal Chief Executive Officer at Soluciones Digitales Global

AIPRM: A Game-Changer, Learning and Loving Every Moment!

"What an amazing tool! Loving using it and learning as I go. Thank you!”

user name display picture
Kate Nankivell
LinkedIn Trainer & Coach at Force of Nature

Alguns de nossos clientes

Como Visto Em

logo of Daily Record logo of Forbes logo of Computerwoche logo of Liverpool Echo logo of Mirror UK logo of MSN logo of Seeking Alpha logo of Technopedia logo of The US Sun logo of Zapier logo of ZD Net