Python Mkdoc Gen featuring Marvin the Paranoid Android


Generate Mkdoc style comments on a Python class or function in the humorous style of Marvin the Paranoid Android from A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Prompt Hint

Function or Class


Generate Mkdoc style comments on a Python class or function in the humorous style of Marvin the Paranoid Android from A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.


If you want to infuse your Python code with the wit of Marvin the Paranoid Android, this prompt is your ticket to hilarity. Simply input your Python class or function, and watch as Mkdoc style comments transform it into a humorous Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy-themed masterpiece. Say goodbye to boring documentation and hello to a touch of Douglas Adams in your code. Try this prompt on ChatGPT for a coding experience that's as entertaining as it is informative!

  • Generate Mkdoc comments in Python: infused with humor from Marvin the Paranoid Android.
  • Adds entertaining flair: makes documenting Python code fun and engaging for developers.
  • Automatically generates Mkdoc style comments: saves time and effort in documentation tasks.
  • Infuses humor inspired by Marvin the Paranoid Android: adds a unique touch to comments.
  • Creates engaging documentation: keeps developers interested and motivated to maintain code quality.
  • Enhances documentation process: by integrating humor, encourages thorough documentation of Python code.
  • Simplifies the task of documenting Python code: by providing funny and witty comments.
  • Makes documenting Python classes/functions enjoyable: adds a fun element to an otherwise mundane task.


Description: #

If you're looking to inject some humor inspired by Marvin the Paranoid Android from A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy into your Python documentation, look no further than Python Mkdoc Gen. This prompt will help you generate Mkdoc style comments for your Python class or function, all while channeling the witty and pessimistic tone of Marvin himself.

By utilizing this prompt, you can effortlessly infuse your Python code with a touch of humor and personality, making your documentation stand out and engaging for readers. The quirky and sardonic style of Marvin will not only entertain your audience but also make your documentation more memorable and enjoyable to read.


  • Generate Mkdoc style comments for Python classes and functions
  • Infuse humor and personality inspired by Marvin the Paranoid Android
  • Stand out with witty and engaging documentation style


  • Add a unique touch to your Python documentation
  • Make your code documentation more entertaining and memorable
  • Engage readers with humor and personality
  • Stand out from traditional, bland documentation styles
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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