In-depth topic SEO writing with proper formatting


Create in-depth articles. Very good formatting, with easy copy and paste into any CMS. Tables, pointers, lists, h1 - h3, highlighting, FAQ's

Prompt Hint

Write your title or keyword here


Create in-depth articles. Very good formatting, with easy copy and paste into any CMS. Tables, pointers, lists, h1 - h3, highlighting, FAQ's


Enhance your content with expertly-crafted, SEO-optimized articles. Enjoy seamless copy-pasting into any CMS, including tables, lists, headings, and FAQs. Elevate your writing game effortlessly.

  • Create in-depth SEO articles with great formatting for easy CMS integration.
  • Include tables, lists, pointers, h1-h3 headings, and highlights for engaging content.
  • Simplify copy-paste; perfect for websites needing structured, well-formatted articles.
  • Enhance readability with FAQs; cater to user queries effectively within your content.


Description: #

The provided prompt is designed to help you generate in-depth SEO articles with excellent formatting. By utilizing this prompt, you can effortlessly create detailed articles that are tailored for SEO purposes. The output will feature top-notch formatting, ensuring that your content is not only informative but also visually appealing.

Here are the key features and benefits of using this prompt on ChatGPT:


  • Generate in-depth articles optimized for SEO
  • Ensures proper formatting for easy readability
  • Includes tables, pointers, lists, and headings (h1 - h3) for structured content
  • Highlights key points for emphasis
  • Incorporates FAQ sections for comprehensive coverage


  • Saves time and effort in creating SEO-friendly content
  • Facilitates easy copy and paste into any Content Management System (CMS)
  • Enhances the visual appeal of your articles with well-structured formatting
  • Helps boost search engine visibility through optimized content
  • Enables you to create engaging and informative content that resonates with readers

Experience the convenience and effectiveness of this SEO-focused article writing prompt by trying it on ChatGPT today!

Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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