
Long form SEO Article Writing in Human-Style


Write for both search engines and human readers! Create a high-quality, long-form article for SEO in a professional and engaging tone.

Prompt Hint

Describe the Topic of the Article. Include at Least 1 Keyword you Want to Target.


Write for both search engines and human readers! Create a high-quality, long-form article for SEO in a professional and engaging tone.


Unlock the power of ChatGPT: effortlessly craft SEO articles blending search engine optimization and human appeal. Benefit from professional, engaging content that captivates readers and ranks high. Streamline your writing process, ensuring quality and relevance. Enhance your online presence with SEO-optimized, long-form articles that resonate with both search algorithms and human audiences. Elevate your content strategy with ease, precision, and effectiveness. Try this prompt on ChatGPT now for SEO success!

  • Craft SEO-friendly, engaging long-form content blending human appeal with search engine optimization strategies.
  • Enhance online visibility and reader engagement through high-quality, professional SEO articles.
  • Write compelling, informative content that resonates with both readers and search engine algorithms.
  • Elevate your content strategy with well-researched, comprehensive articles tailored for SEO success.
  • Boost organic traffic with well-crafted, human-like long-form articles optimized for search engines.
  • Drive traffic and conversions by creating SEO-optimized, reader-focused long-form articles for websites.
  • Improve search rankings and user experience with expertly written, SEO-friendly long-form content.
  • Achieve content marketing goals by producing top-notch, SEO-optimized long-form articles for online success.


Description: #

The ChatGPT prompt featured above is a powerful tool designed to assist you in crafting high-quality, long-form SEO articles that resonate with both search engines and human readers. By utilizing this prompt, you can effortlessly create captivating content that not only ranks well on search engines but also engages your audience effectively.


  • Automatically generates professional and engaging long-form articles
  • Ensures the content is optimized for SEO purposes
  • Balances between search engine requirements and engaging human readers
  • Helps in maintaining a professional tone throughout the article


  • Saves time and effort in writing SEO-friendly content
  • Increases visibility and ranking on search engines
  • Enhances user engagement and readability of the articles
  • Enables you to create compelling content that resonates with your target audience

Crafting SEO-optimized long-form articles has never been easier with this prompt. Elevate your content creation process and captivate your audience by trying out this powerful tool on ChatGPT today!

Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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