
Article Summarizer


Use this prompt to summarize documents online

Prompt Hint

input the link from the article here


Use this prompt to summarize documents online


"Imagine effortlessly condensing lengthy articles with precision. Simply input text and get concise summaries! Try it now."


  • Summarizes documents online effectively
  • Condenses lengthy articles with accuracy
  • Provides concise and precise summaries
  • Easy-to-use interface for quick summarization
  • Saves time by generating quick overviews
  • Helps in extracting key information efficiently
  • Ideal for busy readers and researchers
  • Great tool for summarizing content without missing crucial points


  • Saves time and effort
  • Enhances productivity
  • Facilitates quick information extraction
  • Assists in efficient research and content curation

  • Condenses articles quickly and efficiently: saves time and effort for busy readers.
  • Generates concise summaries: perfect for extracting key points from lengthy texts.
  • Ideal for online content: simplifies information for easy reading and comprehension.
  • Enhances productivity: helps to grasp essential details without reading through entire articles.
  • Saves time: provides quick overviews, enabling users to get information at a glance.
  • User-friendly tool: accessible for anyone looking to streamline their content consumption.
  • Improves efficiency: accelerates the process of digesting information for improved productivity.
  • Reduces workload: lightens the burden of reading and analyzing lengthy documents manually.


Description: #

The "Article Summarizer" prompt for ChatGPT allows users to quickly and efficiently summarize documents online. By filling in the necessary details and submitting the prompt, users can generate concise and coherent summaries of lengthy texts. This prompt leverages the power of AI to extract key information, condense it, and present it in a clear and digestible format.


Features: #

  • Summarizes documents online
  • Generates concise and coherent summaries
  • Utilizes AI for efficient text extraction and condensation

Benefits: #

  • Saves time on manual summarization
  • Provides quick access to key information
  • Enhances productivity by condensing lengthy texts
  • Improves content comprehension and retention
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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