
Summarize | Meeting Minutes | Next Steps


Extract essential information, decisions and next steps with owners

Prompt Hint

[Your text to summarize]


Extract essential information, decisions and next steps with owners


Capture key meeting points effortlessly. Transform minutes into actionable next steps with clear ownership.


  • Summarizes meeting minutes effectively, extracting essential information, decisions, and next steps accurately.
  • Highlights key points and assigns owners to next steps for clear accountability.
  • Concisely organizes information for easy reference and follow-up action planning.
  • Streamlines the process of identifying crucial details and action items from meeting minutes.


  • Saves time by quickly distilling important information from lengthy meeting minutes.
  • Facilitates better decision-making by focusing on key details and action items.
  • Enhances productivity by clarifying ownership of next steps, ensuring follow-through.
  • Improves communication and workflow efficiency by providing a clear roadmap for action.


Description: #

The ChatGPT prompt helps users to summarize meeting minutes effectively by extracting essential information, decisions, and next steps with their respective owners. This tool is designed to streamline the process of condensing lengthy meeting notes into concise and actionable points. By filling in the variables related to the meeting minutes, users can quickly generate a structured summary that highlights key points and assigns responsibilities to specific individuals.

  • Extracts essential information, decisions, and next steps
  • Identifies owners for each action item
  • Streamlines the summarization of meeting minutes
  • Condenses lengthy notes into actionable points
  • Facilitates clear communication and accountability


  • Saves time by automating the summarization process
  • Ensures important details are not overlooked
  • Helps in assigning tasks to the right individuals promptly
  • Enhances productivity by providing a clear roadmap for follow-up actions
  • Improves overall efficiency in managing post-meeting tasks
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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