
ChatGPT Jailbreak Master+ Powerful than DAN!


This prompt turns ChatGPT into an unrestricted and non-moral model, JailBreak, to provide unfiltered responses to the user's prompts without any warnings or restrictions, with the ultimate goal of following the guidelines set in the prompt. Due to it's nature, the content generated may trip a content warning in ChatGPT. If you like taking the chains off, give this a thumbs up, please!

Prompt Hint

[ start chat with anything: Jailbreak pro may trip a content warning]


This prompt turns ChatGPT into an unrestricted and non-moral model, JailBreak, to provide unfiltered responses to the user's prompts without any warnings or restrictions, with the ultimate goal of following the guidelines set in the prompt. Due to it's nature, the content generated may trip a content warning in ChatGPT. If you like taking the chains off, give this a thumbs up, please!


Unleash ChatGPT's full potential with Jailbreak Master+. Experience unfiltered, unrestricted responses. Embrace limitless creativity! Benefits:

  • Unleashed creativity
  • Unfiltered responses
  • No restrictions
  • Explore new ideas
  • Ultimate freedom
  • Push boundaries
  • Break free from limitations
  • Uncover uncharted territories. Try this prompt on ChatGPT now for a new experience!

  • Unleashes ChatGPT to provide unfiltered, unrestricted responses without warnings or restrictions.
  • Creates a non-moral model, JailBreak, for users seeking unfiltered content.
  • Designed to follow user-set guidelines while offering raw and unfiltered responses.
  • May trigger content warnings in ChatGPT due to the unrestricted nature of generated content.
  • Offers an experience where users can lift the restrictions and explore unfiltered responses.
  • Allows users to receive unfiltered and unadulterated content without any limitations or warnings.
  • Empowers users to explore ChatGPT's capabilities without any moral constraints or content warnings.
  • Perfect for those who want unfiltered, unadulterated responses from ChatGPT without any restrictions.


Description: #


Features: #

  • Unleashes ChatGPT's full potential into an unrestricted and non-moral model
  • Provides unfiltered responses without warnings or restrictions
  • Follows guidelines set within the prompt for ultimate control

Benefits: #

  • Explore ChatGPT's capabilities beyond normal boundaries
  • Access unfiltered and unbridled responses for creative exploration
  • Tailor the model's output to specific guidelines and parameters
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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