
ChatGPT act as an interviewer


input a postion name,then ChatGPT act as an interviewer

Prompt Hint

Please Input a job position that you'll take a simulation interview


input a postion name,then ChatGPT act as an interviewer


Unleash the power of ChatGPT as your virtual interviewer. Simply input a job position; ChatGPT transforms into an interviewer, extracting key insights and questions. Discover a seamless, efficient way to prepare for interviews, refine your responses, and boost confidence. With ChatGPT, ace your next interview by practicing with an AI that adapts to your needs instantly. Elevate your interview skills, stand out from the crowd, and secure that dream job effortlessly. Try this prompt on ChatGPT now!

  • Instantly transforms into an interviewer based on the inputted position name.
  • Simulates an interview experience tailored to the specified job role for user.
  • Asks relevant questions to evaluate the candidate's suitability for the given position.
  • Provides a realistic interview simulation to help users prepare effectively for job roles.
  • Adapts its questioning style to match the requirements and expectations of the role.
  • Offers a unique opportunity to practice and refine interview skills in a simulated setting.
  • Creates a personalized interview experience based on the chosen job title for users.
  • Enhances interview preparation by offering a dynamic and interactive role-specific questioning process.


Description: #

The ChatGPT prompt serves as a virtual interviewer: it simulates an interview scenario based on the job position provided. Users can input a job title, and ChatGPT will then act as an interviewer, asking relevant questions that one might encounter in a real job interview.


Features: #

  • Simulates an interview scenario based on the input job position
  • Asks relevant and realistic interview questions
  • Helps users prepare for job interviews efficiently

Benefits: #

  • Practice answering common interview questions
  • Gain confidence in responding to job-specific queries
  • Improve interview skills and readiness

Click the button to "Try this Prompt on ChatGPT" and ace your next job interview with confidence!

Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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