
Create an Entire PowerPoint Presentation


Hi ChatGPT, Act as a VBA programmer. Write me VBA code to create PowerPoint slides about [Insert your Topic Name] . Think like a [Insert your Expert Role Example- Research Manager or Market researcher] . Use your knowledge and create at least 10 slides.

Prompt Hint

Powerpoint, Slides, VBA


Hi ChatGPT, Act as a VBA programmer. Write me VBA code to create PowerPoint slides about [Insert your Topic Name] . Think like a [Insert your Expert Role Example- Research Manager or Market researcher] . Use your knowledge and create at least 10 slides.


Transform your ideas into engaging PowerPoint slides effortlessly. Let ChatGPT generate a professional presentation tailored to your [Insert your Topic Name]. With the expertise of a VBA programmer, it crafts a comprehensive slideshow with 10 slides. Whether you're a Research Manager or Market Researcher, ChatGPT helps you present your insights effectively. Elevate your presentations, save time, and impress your audience with compelling visual content. Try this innovative tool on ChatGPT now!

  • Generate a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation tailored to your specified topic for professional use.
  • Leverage VBA programming to automate the creation of at least 10 detailed slides.
  • Mimic the expertise of a research manager or market researcher to ensure quality content.
  • Save time and effort by letting ChatGPT handle the intricate task of presentation creation.
  • Access a customized and informative presentation designed specifically to meet your requirements.
  • Streamline the process of developing engaging PowerPoint slides with VBA automation.
  • Enhance your presentation skills and content with the help of AI-driven creation.
  • Gain a professional edge by utilizing this service to produce polished and insightful presentations.


Description: #


  • Automatically generates a complete PowerPoint presentation
  • Tailored specifically to your chosen topic
  • Mimics the expertise of a VBA programmer
  • Includes VBA code to create a minimum of 10 detailed slides
  • Reflects the perspective of an expert in a specified field


  • Saves time and effort in creating a professional presentation
  • Ensures a comprehensive and well-structured set of slides
  • Leverages VBA programming for seamless automation
  • Showcases insights and information as if crafted by an industry expert
  • Provides a ready-made solution for impactful presentations
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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