the cut flower market in the world


Write me a note on the production of cut flowers in the world Classifies the production by producing country Shows a global figure in stems or tons but also shows the figures for the production of Roses and Sunflowers in the world

Prompt Hint

Cut flowers, Rose, Sunflower, market research,


Write me a note on the production of cut flowers in the world Classifies the production by producing country Shows a global figure in stems or tons but also shows the figures for the production of Roses and Sunflowers in the world


Discover the captivating world of cut flower production globally: Learn production statistics by country, global figures in stems or tons, and specific Rose and Sunflower production data. Unveil the leading producers and their contributions to the flourishing cut flower market. Delve into the colorful realm of floral cultivation, exploring key insights that shape the industry. Unearth fascinating details about the cultivation of these popular blooms worldwide. Embark on a journey through the vibrant landscape of cut flower production and gain valuable knowledge about this blooming sector.

  • Classify global cut flower production by country, including specific figures for Roses and Sunflowers.
  • Highlight production volume in stems or tons, providing a comprehensive overview of global output.
  • Identify leading producing countries, showcasing their contributions to the cut flower market.
  • Compare and contrast the production levels of Roses and Sunflowers on a global scale.
  • Gain insights into the distribution of cut flower production worldwide with detailed statistics.


Description: #

By utilizing the provided prompt, ChatGPT can generate a detailed note on the global cut flower market production. It classifies the production by country, providing insights into the leading producers. The note includes a comprehensive global production figure, either in stems or tons, offering an overview of the scale of the industry worldwide. Additionally, it delves into specific data for two popular flowers, Roses, and Sunflowers, showcasing their production volumes on a global scale.


  • Generates a detailed note on the production of cut flowers worldwide
  • Classifies production data by country, highlighting major producers
  • Provides a global production figure in stems or tons
  • Includes specific production data for Roses and Sunflowers globally


  • Gain valuable insights into the global cut flower market production
  • Access detailed information on leading producing countries
  • Understand the scale of the industry with a global production overview
  • Explore specific data on Roses and Sunflowers production worldwide
Prompt Statistics

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