
SBA- Business Plan Creator


Create a business plan using one of the following models: Lean Canvas, Balanced Scorecard, Porter's Five Forces, VRIO, PEST/PESTLE, or Hoshin Kanri.

Prompt Hint

What is your business, be detailed


Create a business plan using one of the following models: Lean Canvas, Balanced Scorecard, Porter's Five Forces, VRIO, PEST/PESTLE, or Hoshin Kanri.


The SBA Business Plan Creator empowers you to craft a strategic business plan effortlessly. Choose from established models like Lean Canvas, Porter's Five Forces, or PEST/PESTLE to streamline your planning. Elevate your business strategy with targeted frameworks for success. Unleash your creativity and structure your vision using proven methodologies. Drive growth, mitigate risks, and make informed decisions with a well-crafted, data-driven business plan. Transform your ideas into actionable strategies with this versatile tool. Try it now!

  • Generate a comprehensive business plan: choose from Lean Canvas, Balanced Scorecard, or more.
  • Customize your business strategy based on well-known models like Porter's Five Forces.
  • Utilize strategic planning tools such as VRIO, PEST/PESTLE, or Hoshin Kanri for in-depth analysis.
  • Develop a solid business roadmap with the help of established and proven frameworks.
  • Tailor your business plan to fit specific needs using renowned strategic planning methodologies.
  • Access a wide range of business planning models to create a detailed and effective plan.
  • Incorporate industry-leading strategies into your business plan for maximum impact and success.
  • Enhance your planning process by leveraging top business models for a structured and strategic approach.


  • Streamline business planning process
  • Utilize industry-standard frameworks
  • Create tailored business strategies
  • Enhance strategic decision-making
  • Develop a comprehensive and effective business plan
  • Access a variety of strategic planning tools
  • Incorporate best practices into your business strategy
  • Improve overall business performance and competitiveness


Description: #

The ChatGPT prompt allows you to effortlessly generate a comprehensive business plan tailored to your needs. By selecting from a range of proven business models such as Lean Canvas, Balanced Scorecard, Porter's Five Forces, VRIO, PEST/PESTLE, or Hoshin Kanri, you can create a strategic roadmap for your business success.


Features: #

  • Generate a business plan using various established models
  • Tailor your plan to specific business needs
  • Access a range of strategic frameworks for planning
  • Create a detailed roadmap for your business growth

Benefits: #

  • Save time and effort in creating a custom business plan
  • Utilize industry-standard models for strategic planning
  • Enhance your business strategy with diverse frameworks
  • Develop a clear path to achieve your business goals
Prompt Statistics

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