Critical Thinking


This prompt is used for complex and/or not so complex problems. With this ChatGPT prompt, look at the result of a problem from the perspective of 3 experts on the subject you choose, the experts will debate among themselves and choose the best solution that ChatGPT will present to you. The results are incredible, try it!

Prompt Hint

[problem or question]


This prompt is used for complex and/or not so complex problems. With this ChatGPT prompt, look at the result of a problem from the perspective of 3 experts on the subject you choose, the experts will debate among themselves and choose the best solution that ChatGPT will present to you. The results are incredible, try it!


Unleash the power of critical thinking with ChatGPT. Get expert insights, unique solutions: incredible results await. Try it now!

  • Analyze complex problems through the eyes of 3 experts for the best solution.
  • Engage in a debate among the experts to determine the most effective outcome.
  • Gain valuable insights and perspectives on various subjects from the expert discussions.
  • Receive top-notch solutions curated by ChatGPT after the expert debate.
  • Enhance critical thinking skills by observing the experts' decision-making process.
  • Explore a diverse range of problem-solving approaches through the eyes of specialists.
  • Experience incredible results by leveraging the collective intelligence of the experts.
  • Access a unique and powerful tool to tackle both simple and intricate problems effectively.


Description: #


Features: #

  • Engage with ChatGPT to analyze complex and simple problems from multiple expert perspectives.
  • Receive a comprehensive solution by having 3 virtual experts debate and select the best outcome.
  • Benefit from the diverse viewpoints to make informed decisions or solve intricate issues effectively.

Benefits: #

  • Gain insights from simulated expert discussions for a well-rounded problem-solving approach.
  • Access a diverse range of expert opinions to enhance critical thinking and decision-making skills.
  • Save time and effort by leveraging ChatGPT's ability to provide optimal solutions through expert debates.
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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