My character (Meu pesonagem)


Make a character and get personalized answers to specific questions.

Prompt Hint

[kind of people or professional]


Make a character and get personalized answers to specific questions.


Create your unique character and receive tailored responses to your questions instantly. Unleash creativity!

  • Extracts details about your character: physical appearance, personality traits, background, and more.
  • Provides tailored responses to questions: backstory, motivations, relationships, and unique quirks.
  • Enhances character development: helps you delve deeper into your character's persona and story.
  • Saves time: quickly generates comprehensive information based on your input.
  • Sparks creativity: prompts creative thinking and inspiration for your character's growth and development.
  • Improves storytelling: enables you to create more engaging and authentic narratives for your character.
  • Personalized guidance: offers specific details and insights to enrich your character's complexity and depth.
  • Tailored feedback: gives you unique perspectives and ideas to shape a well-rounded character profile.


Description: #

The ChatGPT prompt allows you to create a unique character by filling in the details within the brackets. Once you input "[Meu personagem]" in the prompt, you'll receive tailored responses to specific questions about your character.


  • Create a personalized character by filling in the details
  • Receive customized answers to specific questions about your character


  • Quickly develop a detailed character for your story, game, or project
  • Get tailored responses that help you understand your character better
  • Enhance your creative process by exploring different aspects of your character through specific questions
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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