
Replace Domain Extension


Just type the desired extension name and and with a space below the list of keywords or domains. This prompt will replace the new provided extension with the previous domain extension from all the provided domain names.

Prompt Hint

[ extension / List ]


Just type the desired extension name and and with a space below the list of keywords or domains. This prompt will replace the new provided extension with the previous domain extension from all the provided domain names.


Upgrade your domain extensions effortlessly! Swap to your preferred extension across multiple domains. Instantly transform all your listed domain names with a new extension. Enhance your online presence now!

  • Efficiently swap domain extensions by entering the new extension and desired domain names.
  • Quickly update multiple domain extensions without hassle using a simple and intuitive process.
  • Save time and effort by automating the process of changing domain extensions seamlessly.
  • Streamline domain management by swiftly replacing current extensions with the ones you prefer.
  • Update domain extensions effortlessly for a professional and polished online presence.
  • Easily modify domain extensions for various websites with a few simple inputs.
  • Enhance your online branding by promptly changing domain extensions to suit your preferences.
  • Simplify the task of updating domain extensions across multiple websites with ease.


Description: #


Description: #

This ChatGPT prompt allows you to swiftly replace the domain extension of multiple domain names with a new desired extension. By simply entering the new extension, this prompt will efficiently update all the listed domain names with the new extension, saving you time and effort.


Features: #

  • Replace domain extensions quickly
  • Update multiple domain names simultaneously
  • Easy-to-use and time-saving

Benefits: #

  • Simplifies the process of changing domain extensions
  • Saves time and effort on manual updates
  • Ensures consistency across all domain names
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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