*Greedy* The Meal Planning Assistant


Get customized meal ideas and a table of foods that can and cannot be eaten based on preference

Prompt Hint

Enter your dietary preference ( EX Vegan,Paleo,Keto)


Get customized meal ideas and a table of foods that can and cannot be eaten based on preference


Greedy The Meal Planning Assistant provides tailored meal suggestions and dietary restrictions guidance effortlessly. Discover new meal ideas customized to your preferences and receive a detailed list of foods to include or avoid. Simplify your meal planning process and ensure you enjoy delicious and suitable dishes every time. Say goodbye to the hassle of deciding what to eat and let Greedy do the work for you. Try it now and experience a seamless and stress-free meal planning journey.

  • Provides customized meal ideas tailored to your preferences for easy meal planning.
  • Generates a detailed table listing foods that match and don't match your dietary choices.
  • Helps you make informed decisions about what to eat based on your likes.
  • Offers a variety of meal options to suit different tastes and dietary requirements.
  • Streamlines the meal planning process by suggesting suitable food choices.
  • Saves time by eliminating the need to manually research compatible food options.
  • Enhances your meal planning experience by presenting a comprehensive list of suitable foods.
  • Simplifies the task of choosing meals by categorizing foods into acceptable and restricted categories.


Description: #


  • Provides customized meal ideas based on user preferences
  • Generates a table of foods that can and cannot be eaten according to preferences


  • Saves time by offering tailored meal suggestions
  • Helps users make informed decisions about their diet and meal planning
  • Assists in maintaining a balanced and personalized diet
  • Simplifies the process of choosing meals based on individual preferences
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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