Maximize Performance with Google Ads


Craft a high-impact ad copy with 15 headlines, 5 long headlines, and 4 descriptions within specified character limits.

Prompt Hint

Include keywords and unique selling points for your services and products to boost effectiveness.


Craft a high-impact ad copy with 15 headlines, 5 long headlines, and 4 descriptions within specified character limits.


Enhance your Google Ads' performance with Performance Max: 15 headlines, 5 long headlines, and 4 descriptions. Craft compelling ad copy effortlessly. Maximize character limits for impactful messaging. Boost engagement and drive conversions effectively. Elevate your advertising game now. Try it!

  • Create high-performing Google Ads with 15 headlines, each up to 30 characters long.
  • Craft 5 long headlines with a maximum of 90 characters in total.
  • Include 4 descriptions, each with a character limit of 90 characters.
  • Enhance ad visibility and engagement by optimizing text for Performance Max campaigns.
  • Maximize ad relevance and reach by utilizing the specified character limits effectively.
  • Drive better click-through rates and conversions with compelling and concise ad copy.
  • Increase ad quality and performance by adhering to the prescribed headline and description lengths.
  • Boost ad effectiveness and ROI through strategic messaging tailored to Performance Max requirements.


Description: #

The prompt allows you to effortlessly create a high-performance ad copy for Google Ads - Performance Max. By filling in the specified sections with compelling content, you can craft a dynamic ad that resonates with your target audience.

  • Generate up to 15 concise headlines (30 characters each) that grab attention
  • Include up to 5 long headlines (90 characters each) for more detailed messaging
  • Craft 4 descriptions (90 characters each) to highlight key selling points and drive engagement


  • Quickly create engaging ad copy tailored for Google Ads - Performance Max
  • Optimize your ad content with a variety of headline and description options
  • Save time and effort by efficiently generating impactful ad copy
  • Enhance your ad performance by utilizing the suggested character limits for each section
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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