
Create New Link


Create New Link [url]

Prompt Hint

Create New Link [url]


Unlock the power of instant link generation with this dynamic prompt. Simply input your URL; ChatGPT crafts a new link effortlessly. Save time and streamline your workflow with this efficient tool. Instantly create shareable links without hassle. Boost productivity and efficiency now. Try this prompt on ChatGPT and experience seamless link creation like never before. Simplify your tasks and elevate your workflow with the click of a button. Streamline your processes and enjoy the convenience of quick link generation.

  • Instantly generate clickable links by filling in the URL variable in the prompt.
  • Effortlessly create hyperlinks for web pages, documents, or resources with ease.
  • No need to manually format links; the prompt automates the process seamlessly.
  • Save time and hassle by quickly producing formatted URLs for various purposes.
  • Ensure accurate and error-free links every time you utilize the prompt feature.
  • Enhance user experience by providing clickable URLs for easy navigation and accessibility.
  • Boost productivity by streamlining the link creation process in a few simple steps.
  • Seamlessly integrate links into your content without the need for manual HTML coding.


Description: #

The provided prompt is designed to dynamically generate a new link based on the user's input. By filling in the variable in brackets with the desired URL, the prompt will create a clickable link that directs users to the specified web address instantly. This functionality is ideal for individuals looking to generate links quickly and efficiently without the need for manual coding or formatting.


  • Generates a clickable link based on the user-provided URL
  • Simplifies the process of creating hyperlinks
  • Instantly creates a functional link without any coding required


  • Saves time by automating the link creation process
  • Reduces the chance of errors in hyperlink formatting
  • Enhances user experience by providing a seamless way to share URLs
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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