Leer hoe je Live Crawling gebruikt in AIPRM om precies de inhoud te krijgen die je nodig hebt voor je prompt.
Een zeer populaire Live Crawling Prompt die we ook dagelijks gebruiken voor onze eigen marketing is de Prompt TLDR deze URL - Crawlen, extraheren, samenvatten waarmee je de inhoud van een URL kunt extraheren en samenvatten in een paar zinnen.
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Leer hoe u uw eigen Live Crawling-prompts kunt maken in AIPRM om de live crawling prompts nauwkeurig af te stemmen op uw behoeften en consistente resultaten te krijgen.
AIPRM: A User's Perspective - Unlocking Clarity and Efficiency in Script Creation
"My name is Moisés Munguia. I heard first time about AIPRM in a Youtube channel. At first, It was not so clear how It works, but after a couple of hours, became very easy. AIPRM has helped me in use the correct tool or prompt to do the correct script. My recomendation is that in a near future, will be a lot of prompting creators and I'm affraid, this could become and endless option to find wht you need. Anyways. All my support to you guys..!! Regards...!!”
A Must Have Tool
"If you are in the need to create content for emails or websites. This is a must have tool. You can do content outlines, get optimized articles in minutes. I have been able to take prompts from other users, finetune them to my needs and safe them. It speeds up about 70% of the work that I am doing. Thanks guys!”
AIPRM: Essential for Small Business Writing, Slashing Time and Elevating Content Quality
"AIPRM is an indispensable tool for small business if any writing is involved such as for blogs, distributed email weekly messages, business plans, strategies, or grant writing. It has reduced my writing time by approx 80%- for me now, it's more about tuning what AIPRM writes than concocting an article from scratch. Learn how to ask the right questions, learn key prompts, learn how to dialogue with AIRM..”