Nieuw AIPRM Cockpit komt er binnenkort aan. Kom op de wachtlijst.

Je spiekcode voor AI


Mis deze productiviteitsboost niet! Start nu GRATIS met AIPRM.

AIPRM is de ultieme tijdsbespaarder voor ChatGPT en andere AI-modellen!
Vertrouwd door meer dan 2 miljoen gebruikers en enkele van ’s werelds grootste merken.
AIPRM app screenshot

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AIPRM biedt efficiënte en betaalbare AI bovenop ChatGPT.

Met AIPRM Cockpit kun je nu de kracht van AIPRM gebruiken met veilige AI API’s en veel verschillende LLM’s.
AI-statistieken blijkt dat 53% van de bedrijfseigenaren verwacht dat AI hen tijd zal besparen. Gebruik dus AIPRM en besteed meer van je tijd aan je bedrijf.

Je bevindt je in goed gezelschap

Vertrouwd door meer dan 2.000.000 gebruikers en enkele van 's werelds grootste merken

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Wat onze klanten zeggen

Boost Your SEO Game with AIPRM on ChatGPT!

"If you're using ChatGPT to support your SEO-related tasks, and you're not using AIPRM prompts, you're totally missing out!”

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Aleyda Solis
Founder at Orainti

The service is informative, helpful, and available for free users

"I recently started using the AIPRM browser extension for my digital marketing needs, and I have to say, I am impressed with the variety of prompt templates that are available. There are different creators out there who have created great prompts that …”

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Terassah Thompson
Sales & Marketing Specialist at All Web LLC

AIPRM has increased my productivity by 10x

"It is an awesome tool to work with ChatGPT. I really love the extension and it increased my productivity by 10x. Thanks to AIPRM team for developing such an amazing tool and continuously adding new and new prompts. Once again thanks to the team.”

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Abhishek Srivastava
Product Manager at JK Tyre & Industries Ltd

Large amount of content and very easy to use

"I discovered AIPRM in a community of digital entrepreneurs and it is a great help to me in finding content on various topics for websites, social networks. For me, the best thing about AIPRM is the large amount of content it offers and the ease of …”

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Lourdes Correa Oliver
Virtual Assistant at AVbox

Superpowers for ChatGPT

"Amazing superpowers for ChatGPT =)”

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Marcio Toledo
Designer and Shopify Expert at Click2it Digital

AIPRM: Unmatched Ideation Toolbox for Business Excellence!

"I love this extension. I know there are competitors, but I haven't found any better than this. I use it every day, and keep finding new ways to use the prompts and appreciate the updates as they come.

AIPRM has given me a toolbox ideation tools that …”

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Don Giannatti
CEO/Photographer at Don Giannatti Visual Media Strategy

Above awesome!

" This tool is above awesome.”

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Barry Featheringill
Production Supervisor at Retired(MasterBrand, Inc.)

It has helped me a lot

"It has helped me a lot, thank you very much for the tool”

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Cristian Montoya
Principal Chief Executive Officer at Soluciones Digitales Global
Installeer AIPRM voor ChatGPT en Claude