Creare prompt su misura per i principali strumenti di IA generativa

Sfruttate la potenza di AIPRM per progettare prompt precisi e ottimizzati per varie piattaforme di IA generativa come Midjourney, DALL-E, Leonardo AI ecc. Ogni suggerimento viene messo a punto per adattarsi alle capacità dello specifico strumento di IA, assicurandovi di ottenere sempre i migliori risultati possibili. Liberate la creatività senza limiti, su qualsiasi piattaforma di IA.
  • Personalizzate i prompt per i migliori strumenti di IA come Midjourney, DALL-E, Leonardo AI ecc.
  • Massimizzate i risultati allineando i suggerimenti ai punti di forza di ogni strumento di IA.
  • Potenziamento della creatività su diverse piattaforme di IA generativa.
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Cosa dicono i nostri clienti

Very helpful tool!

"Very helpful tool! I highly recommend becoming a member of the AIPRM community to learn more about using ChatGPT. AIPRM is a community of Prompt Engineers that created the prompts used in this tool.
You can add your own prompts for private or public use.”

Nico Zwaneveld's profile picture
Nico Zwaneveld
Delivery Manager / Contract Manager at Tata Consultancy Services

Excellent value for money!

"I have been using the AIPRM browser extension for a few days now, after previously working with an expensive AI Writer and a couple of other AppSumo purchased ones.
The most significant benefits of AIPRM is the availability of prompts. This feature has greatly helped me as a valuable addition to my writing process.”

Nigel Rawlins's profile picture
Nigel Rawlins
Owner at Wisepreneurs

AIRPM helps to me to achieve a more focused approach and desired output when using chatGPT

"When you use chatGPT, it's like casting a wide fish net.. and you catch whatever falls under the net.. when you combine chatGPT and AIPRM, you are able to zoom in and choose what fish you want to catch, a more focused approach and drill down to the output you want to achieve. ”

Anton Sheker's profile picture
Anton Sheker
Country Manager at Renpho

Alcuni dei nostri clienti

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I più diffusi prompt di AI