Il vostro codice per l'intelligenza artificiale


Non perdetevi questo aumento di produttività! Iniziate subito a utilizzare AIPRM GRATUITAMENTE.

AIPRM è l’ultimo risparmio di tempo per ChatGPT e altri modelli AI!
Affidato da oltre 2 milioni di utenti e da alcuni dei più grandi marchi del mondo.
AIPRM app screenshot

Alcune Statistiche su AIPRM




Prompt pubblici


Prompt privati


Utilizzo dei top prompt

Progettato per voi e i vostri team

AIPRM fornisce un’AI efficiente e conveniente in aggiunta a ChatGPT. Statistiche AI mostrano che il 53% dei proprietari di aziende si aspetta che l’IA faccia risparmiare loro tempo. Quindi, utilizzate l’AIPRM e dedicate più tempo alla vostra attività.

Sarete in buona compagnia.

Fiducia da parte di oltre 2.000.000 di utenti e di alcuni dei più grandi marchi del mondo

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Cosa dicono i nostri clienti

AIPRM Simplicity is Incredible

"I am an advertising writer and work at a Full Service agency. Our CEO spoke about the AIPRM, and downloaded the extension on my notebook. The simplicity of searching is incredible. Without this tool, I would need much more time to produce my work.”

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Cristiane Araújo
Member of the Management Team at BR-ME

Absolute Time Saver!

"IT'S POWERFUL!!! AIPRM is an absolute time saver. The amount of content you get, even for a free user, is immense. Thank you for your efforts in keeping it active and with immense resources”

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Vivian Francos
Digital Marketer at SEOHashtag Marketing

The service is informative, helpful, and available for free users

"I recently started using the AIPRM browser extension for my digital marketing needs, and I have to say, I am impressed with the variety of prompt templates that are available. There are different creators out there who have created great prompts that …”

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Terassah Thompson
Sales & Marketing Specialist at All Web LLC

AIPRM: A Game-Changer, Saves Time, Boosts Opportunities

"Chris thank you for this amazing tool. I am Jemma Mong a Digital Marketer and Web Designer and so fascinated with the AIPRM tool as these prompts reduces time and energy for me to try out ChatGPT. I found out through Clubhouse member, Christel …”

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Jemma Fong
Business Owner at InSite Creations Web Design

Very Useful Tool for SEO

"This is very useful tool for SEO. it's saved me lots of time and work now. I can easily manage most of the project becoz of this. Thanks for creating this amazing tool”

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Ankit Shrivastava
Search Engine Optimization Executive at UV Soft Solutions

It has ChatGPT prompts for nearly anything you can imagine

"I am a serial entrepreneur specializing in SMTP infrastructure, AKA Email Marketing Software and services. I was told about AIPRM by a colleague. This is an amazing extension! It has ChatGPT prompts for nearly anything you can imagine with new ones …”

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Steve Haase
Founder & CEO at SMTP Depot

AIRPM: Time saver with incredible content for free, No need for other extension.

"AIRPM is an absolute time saver. The amount of content you get- even for a free user - is immense. I'm pretty sure I will not need any other extension beside this. Thanks”

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Sonam Lama
Strategist at Marching Ants

Revolutionized My Content Writing: Highly Effective and Relevant

"This makes it much easier for me to write content. Very relevant and effective.”

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Marie-Claude Beaufort
Owner & Founder at JUNI Zodiaque Shop
Installare AIPRM per ChatGPT e Claude