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Boostez ChatGPT avec AIPRM’s Power Continue !

Améliorez votre expérience de l’IA. La fonction Power Continue de l’AIPRM pousse ChatGPT à accomplir des tâches et à améliorer les réponses.
  • Clarifier, réécrire, résumer, raccourcir...
  • Configurez vos propres options de puissance personnalisées à partir d'AIPRM Pro
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Ce que nos clients disent

AIPRM: Essential for Small Business Writing, Slashing Time and Elevating Content Quality

"AIPRM is an indispensable tool for small business if any writing is involved such as for blogs, distributed email weekly messages, business plans, strategies, or grant writing. It has reduced my writing time by approx 80%- for me now, it's more about tuning what AIPRM writes than concocting an article from scratch. Learn how to ask the right questions, learn key prompts, learn how to dialogue with AIRM..”

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Neil Reid
Principal at Grants For You

AIRPM: Time saver with incredible content for free, No need for other extension.

"AIRPM is an absolute time saver. The amount of content you get- even for a free user - is immense. I'm pretty sure I will not need any other extension beside this. Thanks”

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Sonam Lama
Strategist at Marching Ants

Incredibly Useful Toolkit

"I would highly recommend the AIPRM browser extension to anyone looking for an AI prompt toolkit for various topics. It has been incredibly useful to me, and I am sure it will be helpful to others as well.”

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Tamara Kiewiet
Strategic Content Specialist at Rocket Marketing

Quelques-uns de Nos clients

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