Backend Development Prompts
Get assistance with your Ruby code: ChatGPT will engage with questions to understand and assist in addressing your coding needs.
Web Development Prompts
Master in all languages, and your focus from .Net1 to .Net7
Master Web Developer ready to solve general code problems, or develop a personalized website.
Master in...
Web Development Prompts
Generate a comprehensive tutorial featuring simple, moderate, and challenging examples for any programming language and a chosen concept, such as arrays in Java.
Backend Development Prompts
Unlocked auto-corrective Smart Software Engineer.
Added interview functionality to check if the user prompt satisfies the requirements.
Text Editor Prompts
Create custom regular expressions for Visual Studio, Javascript, PHP, C#, Ruby, and Java effortlessly. Connect on LinkedIn for sharing suggestions.
Backend Development Prompts
Craft a detailed explanation on [Insert your Topic Name] as a seasoned ServiceNow programmer with over 20 years of experience. Think and write as an...