Generate an article brief using a provided list of keywords. Paste 10-15 keywords related to your topic into this prompt to receive an 8-10 section article outline with suggested H2 headings and an FAQ section.
Prompt Hint
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Generate an article brief using a provided list of keywords. Paste 10-15 keywords related to your topic into this prompt to receive an 8-10 section article outline with suggested H2 headings and an FAQ section.
The "Comprehensive Article Brief From Keyword List" prompt allows you to effortlessly generate an article brief by simply providing a list of 10-15 keywords related to your topic. By inputting your chosen keywords into this prompt, ChatGPT will generate an 8-10 section article outline, complete with suggested headings (H2) and even an FAQ section.
Saves time and effort in brainstorming and structuring article content
Ensures a comprehensive and well-organized article outline
Assists in enhancing the SEO-friendliness of the content through targeted keywords
Helps in creating engaging and informative articles with ease
Encourages the inclusion of FAQs to address common reader queries and improve reader engagement
Allows for further customization and enrichment of the article with multimedia elements to enhance reader experience
Try this prompt on ChatGPT for a seamless and efficient way to generate article briefs based on your chosen keywords!
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