
Combine different texts into one coherent piece


Merge multiple texts to create a cohesive composition. Extracts key themes and arguments, organizes them logically for coherence.

Prompt Hint

"Text 1", "Text 2", "Text 3", ...


Merge multiple texts to create a cohesive composition. Extracts key themes and arguments, organizes them logically for coherence.



  • Merge multiple texts into one coherent piece effortlessly
  • Identify key themes and arguments from each text
  • Organize content logically for a cohesive narrative flow
  • Combine, blend, and unify diverse texts seamlessly
  • Create a comprehensive and cohesive final document
  • Efficiently summarize the main ideas from each text
  • Save time and effort in compiling information from various sources
  • Streamline the process of fusing different texts into a single, coherent composition


  • Saves time and effort
  • Creates a unified and coherent document
  • Enhances overall readability and understanding
  • Organizes information logically
  • Facilitates the synthesis of diverse ideas
  • Ideal for research, academic writing, or content creation
  • Provides a structured overview of key themes and arguments
  • Simplifies the process of combining multiple texts into a cohesive narrative.

  • Merge different texts seamlessly into a cohesive piece with identified key themes.
  • Fuse various arguments logically, creating a coherent narrative that makes sense.
  • Combine texts to form a unified and organized composition highlighting essential points.
  • Compile information from multiple sources into a single, well-structured document.
  • Mix and blend diverse texts to produce a comprehensive and flowing final output.
  • Join separate ideas to construct a coherent and interconnected narrative.
  • Unify the central themes and arguments from each text into one cohesive piece.
  • Integrate content from various sources to summarize key themes and arguments effectively.


Description: #

The prompt is designed to seamlessly merge and integrate multiple texts into a unified and coherent piece. By combining various texts, it identifies key themes and arguments from each source and organizes them in a logical flow, creating a cohesive narrative that makes sense to the reader. The process involves blending, fusing, and summarizing the input texts to ensure a harmonious and structured output.


  • Merges multiple texts into a coherent piece
  • Identifies key themes and arguments from each text
  • Organizes information in a logical and structured manner
  • Blends different texts seamlessly
  • Summarizes content effectively
  • Creates a unified narrative from the input texts


  • Saves time by combining texts efficiently
  • Provides a structured and logical output
  • Helps in synthesizing information from various sources
  • Enhances readability and coherence of the final piece
  • Facilitates a smooth transition between different texts
  • Offers a summarized version of the input information.
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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