AIPRM for Claude
Start for free with 4,500+ Prompts

The free edition AIPRM for Claude allows you to use thousands of community prompts.

The paid versions of AIPRM for Claude gives you access to more features like lists, teams, AIPRM verified prompts and much more.
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What is AIPRM?>

What is AIPRM? #

AIPRM is a Chrome Extension that helps you get the most out of Claude. It’s a collection of thousands of prompts that you can use to get better results in Claude. AIPRM has been used by over two million users to get better results in Claude.

Getting started with AIPRM for Claude>

Getting started with AIPRM for Claude #

Follow our comprehensive tutorials to get started with AIPRM for Claude

Quick Start Tutorials to AIPRM
Basic concepts of AIPRM for Claude>

Basic concepts of AIPRM for Claude #

These tutorials give you an overview of the concepts of AIPRM for Claude.

Your AI content creation journey starts here.

After a quick tour of the AIPRM dashboard, you learn how to configure key settings that can add a wow factor to your Claude generated content.

Basics Tutorials to AIPRM

What Our Customers Say

One of the things I love about AIPRM is the vast collection of Prompts that are available

"I appreciate the idea of sharing exciting prompts with all community members. It follows the idea of collective learning and growth, which I do personally like a lot. ”

Begoña Mallenco's profile picture
Begoña Mallenco
Corporate Fundraising Officer at The SeaCleaners

It's the best value money can buy on the internet right now

"I just resubscribed.
I was just being a smart ass with my original
For the amount of use I get out of it every day you could charge a lot more and still get away with it.
It's the best value money can buy on the internet right now.
Add on the fact that you have great customer service and you're a definite homerun for any business.

Bret Jenny's profile picture
Bret Jenny
Chairman at Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors Blockchain Committee

Phenomenal and Fantastic!!!

"Phenomenal... and I am just taking the very first steps to learn and use it. Fantastic!!!”

Joao Carlos Page's profile picture
Joao Carlos Page
Associate at City of Saskatoon

Some of Our Customers

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