Prompt Forking

Forking a Prompt: Your Path to Customized AI Solutions

This AIPRM Elite feature is a game-changer for small and big businesses alike. It lets you take any public prompt, make your own copy, and tweak it to fit your specific needs, all while keeping the original prompt unchanged.

Think of it as customizing a recipe for your taste without altering the master cookbook. With AIPRM’s extensive library of prompts, you can effortlessly adapt solutions for marketing, sales, operations, productivity, and customer support.
  • Clone public prompts into private prompts to customize them
  • Create your own prompts from another prompt's template
  • Save time and effort by reusing existing prompts
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What Our Customers Say

Incredible! A multitude of easy-to-use tools. Thank you so much!.

"Awesome ! Lot of easy to use tools ! I can’t believe you did it ! Thank you so much !”

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Bénédicte Lagardette
Co Ceo at

AIPRM: A Game-Changer, Saves Time, Boosts Opportunities

"Chris thank you for this amazing tool. I am Jemma Mong a Digital Marketer and Web Designer and so fascinated with the AIPRM tool as these prompts reduces time and energy for me to try out ChatGPT. I found out through Clubhouse member, Christel Guillen. This tool has widened the opportunities I would never or slowly discovered. I thank you immensely. I have shared this with many colleagues.”

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Jemma Fong
Business Owner at InSite Creations Web Design

This is phenomenal!!!

"I am an author, and content creator. This has been a life saver. I use it for research and writing and exploring new ideas. This is phenomenal!!!”

Lu's profile picture
Certified Self Esteem Life Coach & Author at Spirit Brain Play

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