Private Prompts for You and Your Team

Create your own prompts and organize them for continuous use. Make it easy to access and reuse, for yourself and your team.
  • Create your own custom prompts.
  • Store them in a list, only accessible to you.
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Watch how easy it is to make your prompts available to your teams>

Watch how easy it is to make your prompts available to your teams #


What Our Customers Say

This is phenomenal!!!

"I am an author, and content creator. This has been a life saver. I use it for research and writing and exploring new ideas. This is phenomenal!!!”

Lu's profile picture
Certified Self Esteem Life Coach & Author at Spirit Brain Play

The user interface is excellent.

"I am a consultant for banks on climate finance issues. I discovered this tool very long ago. I use it a lot to compare my ideas with those of others through chatGPT. The interface of AIPRM is very good for asking questions or requesting a summary of texts.”

Olivier Claude Pierard's profile picture
Olivier Claude Pierard
Senior Consultant at GFA Consulting, Green Finance Expert

Very helpful tool!

"Very helpful tool! I highly recommend becoming a member of the AIPRM community to learn more about using ChatGPT. AIPRM is a community of Prompt Engineers that created the prompts used in this tool.
You can add your own prompts for private or public use.”

Nico Zwaneveld's profile picture
Nico Zwaneveld
Delivery Manager / Contract Manager at Tata Consultancy Services

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