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If you ever get stumped or want to learn more about AIPRM, go to the bottom left corner and click the Community Forum link. Ask a question or search the posts. A great learning resource.
Scroll up to the top left corner of the page. Click the New chat button to refresh the page or start a new AI chat. The sidebar shows a history of your AI prompts and also serves as a temporary storage area. Click a link to generate a past prompt again. Click the bar to close the sidebar.
You’ll likely spend a lot of time exploring publicly available prompts. That journey starts by enabling three filters:
Use the search bar, near the top right corner of the page, to find specific prompts based on a keyword. Click the X icon to clear the search field.
To create an AI request, select a prompt template. The template title appears in the text input field.
Your output is in the center of the screen.
That’s it.
Now you know how to navigate the AIPRM dashboard, find a prompt, and launch an AI request.
To learn more about building your own detailed prompts that generate fantastic results, see: