Here’s a true story that might change the way you think about running or starting an ecommerce store.
A single mom and her two sons run a wildly successful online store in the casual wear niche. The mother owns a lavish home and both sons drive Italian sports cars. By some standards, their drop shipping business is modest. They employ ten people in their tiny fulfillment center and their online platform looks like just about every other site with a product catalog.
What’s the secret to her success? She wouldn’t say. And really, why would she – who needs competition, right? But here is what I do know. Her catalog has an interesting mix of items and outfits and there’s an accessory for just about everything. Why sell a sweater when there’s a willing buyer looking for a matching belt, BTS-inspired necklace, and a wool scarf that looks oh so chic.
Upsell like crazy, sure, but what is the right product mix? That family’s success got me thinking about the challenges of starting and running an online store. There’s much to learn and even more to do, not to mention the competition.
That’s what makes product-related AIPRM prompts so interesting. They inspire store owners (or would be owners) with new and interesting product ideas within a niche. Is every product a winner? No way, but like any good brainstorming session, a bad idea can sometimes lead to a great idea.
ChatGPT generates a short list of product ideas. You also get keywords for product descriptions, a sales strategy and an estimated market size. After you add products to your catalog, be sure to explore other AIPRM prompts to generate copy that sizzles or convert features into benefits.
That’s it. Now you know how to brainstorm product ideas with AIPRM.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, our tutorials guide you every step of the way. Reach out to the AIPRM Community Forum and we’ll help you get started.