
JavaScript Documentation Charlie - JSDoc 3


Supervise Charlie to create instant function documentation by providing function name, parameters, and a brief description. No more trainee tasks - become Charlie's supervisor now!

Prompt Hint

Refer to the full prompt for an example


Supervise Charlie to create instant function documentation by providing function name, parameters, and a brief description. No more trainee tasks - become Charlie's supervisor now!


Unleash your potential with Charlie's JSDoc 3! Say goodbye to trainee tasks. Become the expert. Define functions effortlessly. Provide function names, parameters, brief descriptions—Charlie crafts instant documentation. Save time, enhance clarity. Elevate your skills. Dive into API, JavaScript, and web app development. Embrace structured coding. Try it now!

  • Create function documentation effortlessly by providing name, parameters, and brief description to Charlie.
  • Assign Charlie the task of producing basic documentation instantly for JavaScript functions.
  • Example: function getPaymentMethods( cartId , store ): cartId is a number; store is a string.
  • Enables generation of documentation for functions, streamlining the process and saving time.
  • Support Charlie in his transition to creating comprehensive documentation for JavaScript functions.
  • Simplify the process of documenting functions in JavaScript efficiently with Charlie's assistance.
  • Enhance productivity by swiftly generating documentation for functions with required information.
  • Improve efficiency in creating function documentation for JavaScript with clear naming and descriptions.


Description: #

The "JavaScript Documentation Charlie - JSDoc 3" prompt is a tool that helps you create detailed function documentation effortlessly. By providing Charlie with the function name, its parameters, and a brief description, you can swiftly generate basic documentation.


  • Allows you to name a function, specify its parameters, and provide a short description
  • Generates basic documentation instantly based on the input provided
  • Ideal for creating comprehensive documentation for JavaScript functions quickly and efficiently


  • Saves time by automating the process of writing function documentation
  • Ensures consistency in the documentation style and format
  • Facilitates smooth collaboration by providing clear and structured documentation for functions
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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