
SEO optimised article with FAQs and Meta.


100% Unique, Plagiarism Free: SEO Optimised Title, Meta Description, Headings with Proper H1-H6 Tags: Tells best place to add internal links: Up to 2000 Words Article with FAQs, SEO-Meta Description and Conclusion.

Prompt Hint

[ Type your Keyword here] *Ibrahimblogger*


100% Unique, Plagiarism Free: SEO Optimised Title, Meta Description, Headings with Proper H1-H6 Tags: Tells best place to add internal links: Up to 2000 Words Article with FAQs, SEO-Meta Description and Conclusion.


Unlock the power of SEO with a meticulously crafted article. Get 100% original content, optimised for search engines. Benefit from SEO-friendly titles, meta descriptions, and proper heading tags. Receive a comprehensive 2000-word piece enriched with FAQs and a compelling conclusion. Find guidance on internal link placement for enhanced navigation. Elevate your online presence with unique, plagiarism-free content that captivates readers and boosts your SEO rankings. Dive into a world of optimisation and engagement today.

  • SEO-optimised article with FAQs, meta: 100% unique, plagiarism-free, and SEO-optimised title.
  • Headings include proper H1-H6 tags; suggests best places for internal links.
  • Up to 2000 words article featuring FAQs, SEO-meta description, and a comprehensive conclusion.


  • Boost SEO ranking with unique, optimised content.
  • Clear headings enhance readability and SEO performance.
  • Internal linking guidance improves website structure and enhances user navigation.
  • Comprehensive FAQ section provides valuable information and improves user engagement.


Description: #

The ChatGPT prompt is designed to assist you in crafting a comprehensive, SEO-optimised article that is 100% unique and free from plagiarism. By filling in the necessary details, you can generate an article of up to 2000 words that includes FAQs, SEO-optimised title, meta description, and proper headings with H1-H6 tags. Additionally, the prompt guides you on the best placement for internal links within your content, ensuring optimal SEO performance and user engagement.


Features: #

  • Generate SEO-optimised article with FAQs
  • Create unique and plagiarism-free content
  • Craft SEO-optimised title and meta description
  • Structure headings with proper H1-H6 tags
  • Receive guidance on adding internal links
  • Generate articles of up to 2000 words with a conclusion

Benefits: #

  • Improve search engine ranking with SEO-optimised content
  • Enhance user experience with structured headings and FAQs
  • Increase website traffic through engaging meta descriptions
  • Establish credibility with unique and plagiarism-free articles
  • Save time on content creation and optimisation
  • Boost reader engagement with well-placed internal links

Click the button below to try this powerful SEO tool on ChatGPT and elevate your content creation to new heights.

Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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