Crafting articles like a pro


Effortlessly generate lengthy articles exceeding 5000 words by simply entering a single keyword and activating the 'beast mode'

Prompt Hint

[Please input the keywords]


Effortlessly generate lengthy articles exceeding 5000 words by simply entering a single keyword and activating the 'beast mode'


Unleash the power of instant content creation with a single keyword in "BEAST MODE." Instantly generate articles exceeding 5000 words effortlessly. Enjoy content creation on steroids: efficiency, speed, and depth unlocked. Effortlessly create extensive content with just one keyword. Access a content powerhouse with unmatched speed and ease. Dive into the world of prolific writing effortlessly and watch your content expand magically.

  • Effortlessly generate articles exceeding 5000 words in an instant
  • Unlock the power of content creation with a single keyword
  • Enjoy unparalleled efficiency, speed, and depth in writing
  • Access a content powerhouse with unmatched ease and speed
  • Dive into prolific writing effortlessly and watch your content expand magically

Unleash the power of instant content creation with a single keyword in "BEAST MODE."

  • Generate extensive 5000+ word articles instantly with a single keyword input
  • Unlock "Beast Mode" to power up content creation effortlessly and efficiently
  • Simplify the writing process by using the "Beast Mode" function for in-depth articles
  • Access a quick and efficient way to produce comprehensive content with minimal effort
  • Enhance productivity by creating longer articles with a single keyword using "Beast Mode"
  • Save time and effort by generating lengthy articles effortlessly through the "Beast Mode" feature
  • Expand your content creation capabilities with the "Beast Mode" for 5000+ word articles
  • Instantly boost your writing output with the "Beast Mode" for quick, detailed content creation


Description: #

Experience the ultimate writing power with the "Beast" mode feature. Instantly generate articles exceeding 5000+ words with just a single keyword input. Unleash the capability to produce comprehensive, in-depth content at the click of a button.


Features: #

  • Generate articles over 5000+ words in length with a single keyword
  • Instantly create detailed and informative content
  • Access the "Beast" mode for in-depth articles on any topic
  • Save time and effort by automating the writing process
  • Produce high-quality, engaging content effortlessly

Benefits: #

  • Quickly generate extensive articles for research, blogs, or publications
  • Enhance productivity by eliminating the need for manual writing
  • Generate long-form content to boost SEO and reader engagement
  • Tailor articles to specific requirements by inputting relevant keywords
  • Effortlessly create valuable, in-depth content on any subject
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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