Start for free with 4,500+ Prompts

The free edition AIPRM for ChatGPT allows you to use thousands of community prompts.

The paid versions of AIPRM for ChatGPT gives you access to more features like lists, teams, AIPRM verified prompts and much more.
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What is AIPRM?>

What is AIPRM? #

AIPRM is a Chrome Extension that helps you get the most out of ChatGPT. It’s a collection of thousands of prompts that you can use to get better results in ChatGPT. AIPRM has been used by over two million users to get better results in ChatGPT.

Getting started with AIPRM for ChatGPT>

Getting started with AIPRM for ChatGPT #

Follow our comprehensive tutorials to get started with AIPRM for ChatGPT

Quick Start Tutorials to AIPRM
Basic concepts of AIPRM for ChatGPT>

Basic concepts of AIPRM for ChatGPT #

These tutorials give you an overview of the concepts of AIPRM for ChatGPT.

Your AI content creation journey starts here.

After a quick tour of the AIPRM dashboard, you learn how to configure key settings that can add a wow factor to your ChatGPT generated content.

Basics Tutorials to AIPRM

What Our Customers Say

A Must Have Tool

"If you are in the need to create content for emails or websites. This is a must have tool. You can do content outlines, get optimized articles in minutes. I have been able to take prompts from other users, finetune them to my needs and safe them. It speeds up about 70% of the work that I am doing. Thanks guys!”

Boris Bauer's profile picture
Boris Bauer
Digital Marketing Consultant at bauer/DIGITAL

Truly a powerful tool never before seen in general

"It is incredible and produces much better results than many professional companies. This tool will not be an enemy to professionals but will lead many to be much more productive and earn much more money by delivering better results in much less time.”

Everton Duque's profile picture
Everton Duque
Marketing Manager at Arts duque

AIPRM Elevates AI to New, Unprecedented Heights

"How can things get any better than Chat GPT? Then AIPRM comes along to make AI 10000x better. I'm so happy and grateful for the gift of AI. Thank you!”

Jody Royee's profile picture
Jody Royee
Owner & CEO at Meta Mark 360

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