Private Prompts for You and Your Team

Create your own prompts and organize them for continuous use. Make it easy to access and reuse, for yourself and your team.
  • Create your own custom prompts.
  • Store them in a list, only accessible to you.
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Watch how easy it is to make your prompts available to your teams>

Watch how easy it is to make your prompts available to your teams #


What Our Customers Say

An essential tool for any task

"AIPRM has become an essential tool for any task you can imagine”

Daniel Blasco's profile picture
Daniel Blasco
Graphic & Web Designer at Pixelatumente

It's the best value money can buy on the internet right now

"I just resubscribed.
I was just being a smart ass with my original
For the amount of use I get out of it every day you could charge a lot more and still get away with it.
It's the best value money can buy on the internet right now.
Add on the fact that you have great customer service and you're a definite homerun for any business.

Bret Jenny's profile picture
Bret Jenny
Chairman at Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors Blockchain Committee

AIPRM Simplicity is Incredible

"I am an advertising writer and work at a Full Service agency. Our CEO spoke about the AIPRM, and downloaded the extension on my notebook. The simplicity of searching is incredible. Without this tool, I would need much more time to produce my work.”

Cristiane Araújo's profile picture
Cristiane Araújo
Member of the Management Team at BR-ME

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