Supplement fact,functions,Target towards,Iteration


Jot down the target towards or ingredients you desire. For instance, XX Support or Turmeric etc.

Prompt Hint

dietary supplement functions,benefits,target towards,audience


Jot down the target towards or ingredients you desire. For instance, XX Support or Turmeric etc.


Unleash the power of ChatGPT to generate engaging content based on your specified ingredients. Discover: custom fact supplements, specific functions, target audience tailoring, and multiple iterations for refinement. Tailor content for XX support, Turmeric benefits, and more. Dive in now to revolutionize content creation!


  • Extract supplement facts and functions: Get detailed information on different supplements.
  • Identify target ingredients: Specify the key components like Turmeric or specific support.
  • Focus on target towards: Tailor the content towards specific health goals or support.
  • Enable iteration: Refine and iterate on the information provided for better accuracy.


  • Gain insights: Understand the functions and benefits of various supplements clearly.
  • Customised content: Receive information tailored to specific health needs and target ingredients.
  • Improved accuracy: Refine and iterate on the details to ensure precise and reliable content.
  • Enhanced support: Access detailed facts and functions to make informed decisions.


Description: #


  • Generates supplement facts and functions based on the target ingredient provided
  • Allows users to specify the target ingredient they want to focus on, such as "Vitamin C Support" or "Turmeric"
  • Incorporates iteration to refine and enhance the generated content


  • Tailored supplement information: Receive customised details about a specific supplement or ingredient of interest
  • Enhanced focus: Directs attention to the chosen target ingredient for in-depth exploration and understanding
  • Iterative improvement: Refines the generated content over multiple iterations for accuracy and depth
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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