AIPRM for Windows

·2 mins
There is no ‘Windows version’ of AIPRM. DO NOT INSTALL AIPRM FROM SOFTPEDIA.
There is no “Windows version” of AIPRM for ChatGPT.>

There is no “Windows version” of AIPRM for ChatGPT. #

Warning! There is no “Windows version” of AIPRM for ChatGPT.

AIPRM is a Chrome Browser extension.

You can use AIPRM on Windows, by installing Chrome, Brave or Edge on your Windows PC.

How to use AIPRM on Windows>

How to use AIPRM on Windows #

AIPRM is not available as a dedicated window version. To use AIPRM, please install Chrome, Brave or Edge on your Windows desktop.

Softpedia Warning - misleading software download platform claims Windows download exists>

Softpedia Warning - misleading software download platform claims Windows download exists #

The misleading “download platform” Softpedia falsly claims that there is a download for Windows.

This is not true.

Unfortunately this is a common practive to lure users into clicking on ads, install unwanted software of hijack personal data, by Softpedia and other similar platforms.


False claim that there’s a windows-specific AIPRM download
False and misleading claims about AIPRM spread by Softpedia

Furthermore Softpedia spreads false and misleading claims like

  • “External mirror”
  • “Genuine download”
  • Provides various completely irrelevant “alternatives” that are not alternatives to AIPRM at all
  • on websites pages plastered with ads

It becomes very clear that this is only done for the commercial interest to profit from clicks on ads, install of unwanted software.


Use the Cheat Code for AI today. Install AIPRM for free.

Only a few clicks until you also experience the AIPRM-moment in your AI usage!

What Our Users Say

AIPRM is Amazing!

"AIPRM is amazing, I am so glad I discovered it and am able to utilise it in my marketing business.”

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Brian Alcock
Business Growth Mentor at Core Business Mentoring

From Basic Subscriber to Elite: An Exceptional Resource!

"Exceptional Tool! I have gone from basic subscriber to Elite and find this resource to be highly useful! As with anything else you must know how to use it. The basic prompts are great and once results are returned, knowing how to refine the initial prompt and making the result your own makes this even better. Keep it going this is a great tool!”

Michael J. Sammut's profile picture
Michael J. Sammut
Owner at Four Eyes Productions

This is phenomenal!!!

"I am an author, and content creator. This has been a life saver. I use it for research and writing and exploring new ideas. This is phenomenal!!!”

Lu's profile picture
Certified Self Esteem Life Coach & Author at Spirit Brain Play