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Your Cheat Code for AI


Don't miss out on this productivity boost! Starting using AIPRM now for FREE.

AIPRM is the Ultimate Time Saver for ChatGPT and other AI models!
Trusted by over 2 million users and some of the world’s biggest brands.
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Designed for You and Your Teams

AIPRM provides efficient and affordable AI on top of ChatGPT.

AIPRM Cockpit now lets you use the power of AIPRM with secure AI APIs and many different LLMs.
AI statistics show that 53% of business owners expect AI to save them time. So, use AIPRM and spend more of your time on your business.

You’ll be in Good Company

Trusted by over 2,000,000 users and some of the world's biggest brands

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What Our Customers Say

AIPRM Simplicity is Incredible

"I am an advertising writer and work at a Full Service agency. Our CEO spoke about the AIPRM, and downloaded the extension on my notebook. The simplicity of searching is incredible. Without this tool, I would need much more time to produce my work.”

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Cristiane Araújo
Member of the Management Team at BR-ME

It's a time-saving gem

" I'm absolutely thrilled to share my experience with AIPRM (Artificial Intelligence Powered Review Management)! As an avid user of ChatGPT, I can confidently say that AIPRM has been an absolute game-changer and the ultimate time saver in my workflow. …”

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Saqib Riaz
Freelancer at Paidwork

An essential tool for any task

"AIPRM has become an essential tool for any task you can imagine”

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Daniel Blasco
Graphic & Web Designer at Pixelatumente

The best ChatGPT extension!

"This is the best ChatGPT extension available. I use it constantly and have installed it on all my computers at home and work. It greatly enhances my experience of working with "the world's best co- worker." I am very grateful to the developers and …”

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David Dehorta
Desktop Support Technician at University of Miami

AIPRM: Maria Ibarra Ultimate Ally for Time Management and Creative Inspiration—Highly Recommended!

"I am a teacher and creator of content, courses and workshops; my name is Maria Ibarra. AIPRM has been a fantastic ally for me, recommended by Oskr León (YouTube). This complement, they have so many options to explore, as possibilities to manage time …”

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María Fernanda Ibarra
Academic Coordinator in Distance Education at Universidad Cuauhtémoc

Boost Your SEO Game with AIPRM on ChatGPT!

"If you're using ChatGPT to support your SEO-related tasks, and you're not using AIPRM prompts, you're totally missing out!”

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Aleyda Solis
Founder at Orainti

Very Useful Tool for SEO

"This is very useful tool for SEO. it's saved me lots of time and work now. I can easily manage most of the project becoz of this. Thanks for creating this amazing tool”

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Ankit Shrivastava
Search Engine Optimization Executive at UV Soft Solutions

Amazing experience

"Its an amazing experience.”

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Mario Lostri
Wholesale Account Manager at Telecom Argentina

AI Research & Resources

100+ Technology Statistics 2025

We’ve collated over 100 must-know technology statistics, covering everything from technology usage and adoption rate, to industry data and more

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The Ultimate Timeline of Artificial Intelligence Technology

Throughout the existence of humanity, technological advancements have transformed entire civilizations.

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50 Science Fiction Technologies and How Long They Took to Become a Reality

Science fiction has long been beloved for presenting creative visions of what humanity might achieve someday.

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